For the teaching of the falling skill, falls are classified into three types based on their direction:

  • Backward falls: A generic motor skill or controlled way to fall on the individual's back after a loss of balance, which could lead to the impact of the back of the body against a specific surface, decreasing or minimizing the impact force, and thus, potential injuries (it is vital in this type of fall to protect the head as a vital part of the body).
  • Lateral falls: A generic motor skill or controlled way to fall on the individual's side after a loss of balance, which could lead to the impact of the body's side against a specific surface, decreasing or minimizing the force, and thus, potential injuries (it is vital in this type of fall to protect the head as a vital part of the body).
  • Forward falls: Depending on the action in the fall, they are subdivided into:

    - Frontal falls: A generic motor skill or controlled way to fall flat on the individual's forearms after a loss of balance, which could lead to the impact of the front of the body against a specific surface, decreasing or minimizing the force, and thus, potential injuries, while protecting vital parts such as the head.

    - Rolls: A generic motor skill or controlled way to fall in a rolled manner on the individual's side after a loss of balance, which could lead to the impact of the front of the body against a specific surface, decreasing or minimizing the force, and thus, potential injuries, while protecting vital parts such as the head.