Exercise 8 (CA8)

Roll & Dumping with Tennis Ball


Protect the head and know how to roll


Tennis ball

Initial position: Sitting with knees bent. Place a tennis ball held between the chin and the chest.
Execution: Gradually lower the back to the floor, supporting vertebra by vertebra. Simultaneously, perform hand tapping (damping). It is essential to prevent the tennis ball from falling at all times, thus avoiding the head going backward and hitting the floor.
5 repetitions of the exercise will be performed.
An eccentric contraction of the core (abdominals, intercostals, etc.) should be performed.

 Exercise 27 (CA27)
The clock with damping
Rolling with uncertainty
One rope

Initial position: Groups of 5 to 8 people. Sitting in a circle, knees and hips flexed. One person in the center of the circle standing, holding a rope.
Execution: The person in the center begins to spin with the rope sliding on the floor. Those who are sitting will fall backward, rolling onto their back, hitting the ground (performing damping), aiming to avoid being hit by the rope as it passes. Hands should protect the head. It is essential to prevent the head from going backward and hitting the ground, so we must always maintain neck flexion.
They will perform 5 spins and then switch partners.
The person in the center does not spin; it changes the rope from right to left behind its back. This way, we will avoid dizziness


 Exercise 23 (CA23)

Rolling on the back pivoting on the hips & damping


Protect the head, balance and coordination, with spatial-temporal adjustment, with a partner and damping.


Starting position: In pairs. Both sitting with knees bent, facing each other.

Execution: Upon the signal, they let themselves fall, rolling onto their back, and must pivot on the hip to change sides in coordinated fashion while performing hand striking (damping).

Each member of the pair will perform 5 repetitions


Both eccentric and concentric contractions of the trunk should be performed (abdominals, intercostals, etc.).


Exercise 35 (CL8)

Flamingo. Rolling laterally over the back & protect the head.


Roll in a sidewards fall

Initial position: Squatting, with buttocks no more than 5 cm off the ground.
Execution: Perform the lateral rolling fall, bringing hands to the back of the neck to protect the head.
5 repetitions of the exercise will be performed.

Always keep the chin close to the chest (neck flexion) to promote head protection.


Exercise 40 (CF4)

Plank fall with uncertainty with alternating hand placement


Assimilate the final position of a forwards frontal fall


One rope

Initial position: In pairs. One of the pair kneels down. The other partner stands behind, holding a rope that has been previously passed under the arms and chest of the kneeling partner.
Execution: The partner holding the rope releases it at will, and the performing partner changes the position of their arms and hands (e.g., hands behind the head, hands along the body, hands in front of the chest, etc.). Upon falling, the performing partner must do so with their forearms to cushion the fall. Remember to turn the head and look to the side.
Each member of the pair will perform 5 repetitions.

Remember that in the initial position, forearm support should be done forming a triangle (elbows apart and hands close together). In this exercise, uncertainty in the fall is addressed.