Exercise 11 (CA11)
Rolling on the back: crib & dumping
Rolling from an elevated position
Initial position: Hands on the knees and bent hips. Ball held by the neck.
Execution: Roll on the back, supporting vertebra by vertebra. Once the rolling starts, simultaneously bring the hands to the head to protect it from possible impact. It is important to prevent the ball from falling and the head from going backward and hitting the floor at all times.
5 repetitions of the exercise will be performed.
An eccentric contraction of the core (abdominals, intercostals, etc.) should be performed.
Exercise 17 (CA17)
Rolling on the back with a rope & dumping
Protect the head and assimilation of rolling on the back
One rope
Starting position: In pairs. One person sits with knees bent, holding a rope with both hands. The other partner stands in front, holding the ends of the rope with hands, keeping it taut.
Execution: The seated partner slowly lowers down, releasing the rope and rolling onto their back. Simultaneously, they perform hand striking (damping). It's crucial to avoid letting the head go backward and hit the ground at any point.
Each member of the pair will perform 3 repetitions.
The trunk (abdominals, intercostals, etc.) should undergo an eccentric contraction.
Initial position: Seated; one leg with knee extension forward. Hands placed on the knees.
Execution: A partner applies a slight force to the extended leg (lifting it upward) so that the person performs a lateral rolling fall, finishing the action with damping.
5 repetitions of the exercise will be performed, in different directions.
Always keep the chin close to the chest (neck flexion) to promote head protection.