GEQO 2024
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    Program XLII Congress of the Organometallic Chemistry Specialized Group (GEQO)

Julio Lloret-Fillol

Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Spain

Julio Lloret-Fillol began his training at the University of Valencia, where he obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Sciences in 2001 and his PhD in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Pascual Lahuerta and Prof. Julia Pérez-Prieto, focusing on catalysis and organometallic chemistry. He continued his training with a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Heidelberg in the group of Prof. Lutz Hans Gade. He returned to Spain in 2010 thanks to the Ramón y Cajal program, starting his independent career at the University of Girona, researching water oxidation with iron molecular complexes. In 2014, he became a Young Research Group Leader at the Institut de Química Computational i Catàlisi (UdG), and, since late that year, he started his group at the Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ).

In 2015, he was appointed ICREA professor and received a grant from the European Research Council Consolidator Grant (ERC-CoG) to investigate photocatalytic reduction and artificial photosynthesis. Lloret-Fillol has published over 107 articles in high-impact journals and has been invited to more than 82 conferences. In addition, he has contributed to technological transfer with 8 patents and the creation of 3 spin-offs. Gioxcat (Advisor and co-founder,, created during his time at the University of Girona. Treellum technologies (Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and co-founder, created in 2020 has the mission of developing new scientific equipment to facilitate the development of synthetic chemistry, and in particular photochemistry. Lloret-Fillol is also a co-founder and Chief Scientist (CS) of the spin-off JOLT TECHNOLOGIES, ( At Jolt.