GEQO 2024
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    Program XLII Congress of the Organometallic Chemistry Specialized Group (GEQO)

Karine Philippot

LCC-Université de Toulouse, France

Dr Karine Philippot received her PhD degree in Molecular Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis in 1993 from the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse. Her PhD project concerned the catalytic conversion of olefins into amines over homogeneous Rh catalysts. Then, she had a 2-year postdoctoral position with Rhodia company in Lyon, where she worked on the use of tin-supported catalysts for the transformation of CO2 into carbonates and carbamates.

She has been a CNRS Researcher at the LCC- Toulouse since 1996 and the head of the group "Engineering of Metal Nanoparticles" there since 2008. She got her habilitation of research in 2007. Her research interests concern the design of controlled metal nanoparticles and derived nanomaterials by using molecular chemistry concepts. In particular she developed the use of ligands as stabilizers in order to study the benefits onto the surface properties of the obtained metal nanoparticles. Main applications concern the domains of catalysis and energy.

She is the co-author of ≈200 peer reviewed papers (including 10 reviews, 11 book chapters, 6 patents) and co-editor of 2 books "Nanomaterials in Catalysis" & “Nanoparticles in Catalysis: Advances in Synthesis and Applications” (2013 & 2021, Wiley-VCH).

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