GEQO 2024


XLII Congress of the Specialized Group of Organometallic Chemistry (GEQO)

Seville, September 11-13, 2024 


Gold Sponsor (contributes > 1000 €)

1. Insertion of the brand logo in the graphic material to be produced (posters, programs, brochures, banners).

2. Recognition of the sponsor's name at the opening session of the event.

3. Promotion/mention on the event's social accounts (Twitter, Instagram).

4. Presence on the conference entrance poster.

5. Appearance on the event website as a gold level contributor.

6. Possibility of setting up a stand in a space provided by the organization (at your own expense).

7. Possibility of including promotional material in the material bags given to the attendees (product to be paid by the sponsor).

Silver Sponsor (contributes 200 € - 1000 €)

1. Insertion of the brand logo on all graphic material (posters, programs, brochures, banners).

2. Appear on the event's website as a silver level collaborator.

3. Possibility of setting up a stand in a space provided by the organization (at your own expense).


The sponsorship of the event may be carried out in the following ways:

1. Sponsorship of Plenary Conferences 2.

2. Sponsorship of Invited Lectures

3. Sponsorship of Awards for the best Oral Presentations.

4. Sponsorship of Best Poster Awards

5. Direct donations / financial support for the purchase of congress material (T-shirts, stationery, accreditations, pens, etc).